“[...]Paulo Porto Alegre, 62, consummate master of the guitar both as a performer and as a composer, revives Trio Opus 12 – now, next to two very talented former students, Daniel Murray and Chrystian Dozza – releasing the CD "Divertimentos".

Suchlike the LP from the 70's, this is also a milestone in Brazilian music. Firstly, it builds a broader picture of Paulo as a composer. He dives into the Toccata and Fuga Funk, Suite Modal and Divertimentos - in all, it is about 30 minutes of exceptional music, playing with baroque forms, modes and even a delicious "Bolero da Billie."[...]”

João Marcos Coelho - CULTURA FM SP/CD da Semana (oct/2/2015)

“He is one of the greatest Brazilian guitar players in today’s world [...] Paulo might be one of the best musicians to personalize the Brazilian guitar traditions, because he follows its flow with equal intimacy for the traditional classical repertoire, for the Brazilian popular music, and for the contemporary development of the guitar […]

In a country where there is no shortage of excellent musicians, Paulo Porto Alegre can certainly be crowned as one of the greatest musicians in activity.

Paulo Porto Alegre makes virtuous transitions between his traditional classical repertoire, the Brazilian popular music, and his contemporary guitar repertoire. His multi-facet image of an interpreter reflects itself on his composer side, which, in general terms, stresses his virtuous solo guitar writings, that are part of a field he dominates like no one else.”

Camila Frézca - REVISTA CONCERTO (jun/2013)

“Varandeio – first authorial work by one of the best Brazilian guitar players in activity […] Throughout all tracks, melodic lines of impressive purity and precision bring the virtuosity of the scholar and the popular.”

Manuel da Costa Pinto - FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO/Revista São Paulo (jun/2013)

Varandeio - “This very beautiful CD is the result of a musical maturing reserved for the few. […] This is a CD to be listened to again and again and to be told to people who do not know of it.” 


"Tríptico" for two guitars of the Cuban Leo Brouwer. "The execution of Paulo Porto Alegre and Edelton Gloeden is of a guitar level rarely found anywhere in the world. My sincere congratulations."

Maestro Oswaldo Colarusso - GAZETA DO POVO/Curitiba (jan/2013)

International Competition Villa-Lobos Festival - "In 15 years of contest, there has only been three national victories: 1966 - String Quartet; 1982 - cellist Claudio Jaffé; 1984 - guitarist Paulo Porto Alegre. Bravo! He set the benchmark of a true performer. [...] Paulo Porto Alegre is already inscribed to the hall of the greatest guitarists of Brazil."

José da Veiga - DIARIO POPULAR/São Paulo (feb/1985) 

"The seriousness of interpretation is as important as, in the case of a trio of guitars, the quality of the transcriptions. Accordingly, Paulo Porto Alegre showcases his excellence, especially on  "Six Pieces" by Stravinsky, originally written for piano four-hands."

João Marcos Coelho - FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO (oct/1982)

"Paulo Porto Alegre clearly demonstrated that the awards he received throughout his, still, young career, were the result of his talent and virtuosity. [...] The artist showed with exuberance that he possesses great technical virtuosity and talent. "

Nelson Porto - A NOTÍCIA – Manaus (jul/1981)

"[...] Paulo Porto Alegre, who not only has an admirable technique, also has the power to thrill audiences with his execution, shortening with great deal of mastery the distance between the classical and the popular." (...) One merit – amongst numerous others – that Paulo Porto Alegre possesses is of knowing how to perspire, in his very own way, the virtuosity of composers such as Villa-Lobos and Marlos Nobre."

O POPULAR/Goiânia (jul/1981)

USP’s String Orchestra, under the regency of Fabio Mechetti - "Paulo Porto Alegre showed good sensitivity, and the public embraced his work with enthusiasm. (...) Alongside USP’s string orchestra, he showcased a greatly elaborated work and constant balance to the beautiful work done by Kohaut, at all times."

Eduardo Escalante - FOLHA DA TARDE/São Paulo (apr/1980)